Anyway, let's see what the questions are shall we?
1. What is your favorite dessert? Hmph. Not a very good question for me to start things off. I'm boring when it comes to dessert. Like BORING. Seriously. I like apple pie. Plain. I like cheesecake. Plain. That's about it. See.....I told you. Boring.
3. Is there a dish you haven't made yet but really want to? I would like to make a turkey. For Thanksgiving or Christmas. All by myself. And I would like for it to be tasty :) I have attempted to do so in the last few years, but somehow someone else always takes over. I am sent off to make the stuffing. One day....
4. What is your favorite food? Filet Mignon. Made even better if it is Oscar style ;) I'm getting hungry.
5. What is your least favorite food? Brussel sprouts. My mother used to attempt to force me to eat them as a child. She would not let me leave the supper table until I ate them. On some nights I would sit at the table late into the evening, until my daddy would tell me to go ahead and do my homework. One time I fed our westie, Piper, a brussel sprout. He promptly vomited. I showed my parents. It was a small victory for a little girl, but she has this day...eaten a brussel sprout.
6. Do you have any seasonal meals you like? I'm not sure it's really "seasonal", but a pot roast in the crock pot has always signified the change of seasons for me :) When the cold weather is here to stay, I make a pot roast. Until that first pot roast is made, I don't truly consider it to be Fall.
7. What is your comfort food? Chicken Tenders & French Fries. Mmmmm....
8. Chocolate: milk, dark or white? I don't really like chocolate. I know, I know...I'm a weirdo :(
Now that I am terribly hungry (even though I have just scarfed down a quesadilla from a little shop downtown), let's change gears a bit. The charming Screen Door Prep from A Note on the Screen Door has awarded me the Beautiful Blog Award. I'm blushing. Really, I am :) I am so honored every time someone tags me or gives me an award. It never gets old, does it? Well, it doesn't for me. Thank you, love. You and Little Miss Can't Be Wrong have made my day. And I needed that :)
*Share seven things about yourself.
*Tag three blogs with the award.
1. I wish I had studied abroad in high school or college. I was so worried about missing some stupid party, or some nobody girl "stealing" my boyfriend, or some other completely ridiculous thing that I never did it. I was far too worried about what I may miss HERE, to realize what I would miss by not going THERE. I will force my children to study abroad. They will hate me, I'm sure, but one day they will thank me :)
2. I am all about wearing the Old Navy cotton dresses with leggings and ballet flats I told you about last week. Yesterday's outfit was fabulous. Today I feel like I'm wearing a smock from art class. Clearly I made an irrational purchase when I bought like 20 of these dresses. Sometimes I do that. I get really excited about an idea, and run with it. I am so excited, and set on it working, that I sometimes fail to stop and realize that it isn't so much working :(
3. I wonder, on a regular basis, if I have ever really been "in love". Because if I have been, why didn't it work? I have thought I was "in love" 2 or 3 times. But, I can't shake the idea that perhaps I was wrong. Because if I was "in love", how could I have walked away? Or...was I actually "in love", and I wrecked it? By not giving it enough of a chance? Love confuses me. Bunches.
4. I have always wanted to be a dancer. Not like a classy ballerina (been there, done that), but more like a Fly Girl from In Living Color. Have I told you this before? I feel as if I have. But I'll tell you again. I have always wanted to get up on stage and dance as if I was born to do so. And to shake my money maker in front of a crowd. And to not look like a fool. And that is exactly why I am taking Zumba :) Because I do exactly that, and I pretend I'm a Fly Girl and it makes me happy. Shhh...don't tell anyone.
5. I am struggling to hear what God is trying to tell me right now. I have a terrible time determining the difference between what he actually IS telling me, and what I WANT him to be telling me. And I acknowledge this. But, I'm still trying to figure out what he wants for me. Because I'm not sure that what he and I want at the moment are the same thing. And heaven knows, he's the one who knows what's best :)
6. I am truly, madly, deeply in love with my puppy. And I worry sometimes that it is much I love him. I would rather spend time with him than with many other people I know. Is that bad? I think it might be. He's just so charming. And clever :) And he never gets on my nerves. Well, that isn't true. Most of the time he doesn't get on my nerves. And he pretty much thinks everything I do is awesome. And he just wants to be with me. How could I not be in love?
7. I am tired. Really, really tired. I'm okay. Just overwhelmed. I realized, after my blog post Tuesday, how lovely it is to have blog friends that notice when you are gone. Or worrying. And it felt like a HUGE hug every time I got an e-mail from one of you. Thank you for that :) I am okay. I am just fine. I found myself in the middle of something that I felt somewhat responsible for. And I found myself trying to "fix" everything. Which isn't my job in life. And I'm just trying to find a happy middle ground. And it's a lot of what is on my mind right it's hard to talk about anything else. But I don't really want to talk about it. Wow...that sounds ridiculous. Anyway...thank you for listening.
Now, who to tag? You know how much I love finding new blogs, and then share them with all of, please meet the following new-ish (to me, anyway) bloggers and stop by for a visit.
I'm going to do this like I've done before. There are two tags/awards above. Please select the one that you would most like to have. If you have already been tagged with one of them, please take the other :) Or...if you like them both've been tagged twice! Just have fun with it.
Except for mrs.mfc. She MUST complete the food tag. Because I said so. And this is my blog. So there :-o hehehe....
Daisy from "Story of My Life"... (this is my IRL friend Daisy y'all!!)
Bronwen from Bronblog (okay, so she's not new to me...but her blog name change is!)
Laurnie from From Orange County to Country Road (another blog name change)
How do you not like chocolate? How about white chocolate? Plain dessert? Girl we are opposites, except when it comes to Filet Mignon.
How are you allowed to make up rules that only apply to me?!?! That doesn't seem fair :) I will try my very best to do the tag though.
And also, I want to point out to your readers MY suggestion for your "failed miserably" category!! Let's not forget about CUPCAKE CAKE DISASTER OF 2010! HAhahahaha:
We bloggies are tight :) I'm in love with my dog too. It's gotten a little tamer since Brad came in the picture but I still loves him to pieces :) He's been through it all with me.
I didn't want to study abroad because I wanted to graduate in 4 years. What the hell was I thinking? I wish I would have taken 5 years...what was I in a rush for???
And God's plan is confusing at times...but I know he must have a good one for us! One worth waiting for...
Fun tag! you will quickly learn from my response that I LOVE to eat :)
omg, I LOVE the Fly Girls! I always wanted to be one!!!
thanks for the sweet shout out!! i'm a pot roast fan... and a chicken finger addict, too!!
What a fun tag! My mother attempted to force brussel sprouts on me too! Gross!!
I'm hosting a giveaway from my new etsy shop over on my blog!
No worries, I went to pastry school and I dont like chocolate either!
Thanks you for the treatment of the substantive critique. I and my neighbour had been merely preparing to do some criticism about this one. We got a seize a register from our local library, but i feel I discovered additional from this risk up. I'm unreservedly glad to conjure up such wonderful facts fashionable shared freely available.
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I am a terrible tag completer, but I finally did it! Thanks for tagging me, T! I had a lot of fun with it. :)
thanks amigo! great post!
Sounds good, I like to read your blog, just added to my favorites ;)
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