...you are tired of hearing that I'm busy. Slammed at work. So what, you ask? I hear you. I'm sorry. I hope that next week my job will be back on track, and I can get back to blogging rather than working :)
I do have another inspiring piece for your entertainment though. I sent this picture to the 3 brides whose weddings I am in. I have requested that the bridesmaid's dresses look like this. I have also warned them that if they don't select these bridesmaid's dresses, I may very well show up wearing this dress anyway. Just for shits and giggles. I'm mean that way sometimes.

Peace and love my friends. I will be back! (unlike Dating Without Pants, whose blog I won't even link to because it really doesn't exist anymore. Grrrr...)
I would not only request the dress but also the head piece! Actually, maybe I need to wear a dress like that -- I have a short middle and that makes all of those ladies look SUPER long in the middle :)
I love it! You must get the perm as well!
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