Monday, March 30, 2009

"are you miss rigth?"

I decided to check my inbox, because usually that brightens my day a little bit. Even if it just gives me a good laugh or two. Today, I found it a little depressing. Today's inbox is making me question whether or not I'm being too picky again. But really.....I don't think so.

Match #1
He is almost 20 years older than me. He simply poses the following question:

"are you miss rigth?"

Dear Sir, I am not Ms. Rigth. I'm not sure what rigth means, but I'm guessing you were going for "right". Have a nice day.

Match #2
This one has obviously copied his profile and e-mailed that to me. I'm not sure where he is from....but I've not heard of it. Some excerpts from his e-mail/profile:

"I am very self sufficient in i can cook,wash clothes,clean house."

This line reminds me of a personal ad from a puppy. Haven't you seen those? Where a puppy is looking for a good home and his owner writes an ad from him. Something like "I am housebroken, love to snuggle, and will always be waiting for you by the front door when you get home". I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

"I am looking 4 my soulmate"

"I would probably take u 2 O'Charleys, as is me and my kids favortie place."

I wonder sometimes if older guys think it's clever to type like they are texting? Using the number 4, rather than spelling out for. Using the letter u, rather than spelling out you. I don't think it's clever. Not on Not in an e-mail. I think it's lazy. I also think that anyone who doesn't spell check/grammar check their profile is lazy. This is online dating. You get one chance to make a first impression. Why not do a cut/paste and run your profile through Word or something? Just a thought :)

Match #3
This guy sends a nice e-mail. However, there is one line that causes me to stop cold.

"I'm what I think could be best described as a "work in progress"

Why would someone say this? I guess we are all a work in progress. To send that to someone in an e-mail though? Hmmmm......

Match #4
Yikes! I don't think this needs an explanation.

"I like going to beach, party some times ,take my boat to the lake,go muding in 4-wheel drive trucks.and any thing that you think that would be fun.maybe we can be friends and then more ?"

Match #5
"Wow, don't you just hate to be put on the spot and have to describe yourself and risk being missunderstood?"


Match #6
"I will fight to protect what is mine. I don't give up easily."

This makes me nervous......

Match #7
"I will listen to you but please listen to me and lets find equal ground. Pretty simple ehh."

What is this ehh you speak of?

All in all, a rather pitiful inbox for this online dater. It made me yawn. Perhaps Monday isn't the best day to try to cheer oneself up? Or, perhaps my dating profile is "a work in progress"? It seems that I'm not doing a very good job of attracting the type of man that I want. Maybe a little re-vamp is in order?

Here's to Tuesday!



a. said...

Thanks for a much needed laugh.

Kait said...

i rihgt 4 u?

I love you.

Kate said...

I am with A. You are such a good writer-you always make me laugh with your responses to these weirdos!