Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon Will Have To Wait....Sigh....

What a chilly, rainy day we are having in Smalltown, VA.  Blech!  It makes me want to curl up and have a nap for sure.

However, there is a very exciting event tonight that I must stay awake for.  One of the organizations that I am on the Board of Directors for is hosting a Little Black Dress Party this evening.  This is an annual event, and a wonderful fundraiser for the arts in Smalltown, VA.  We work for months to secure prizes and such to give away at the event, and everyone puts on their favorite little black dress to attend.  Of course, boys are welcome too!  Because really...when you have a bunch of girls dressed up in little black dresses the boys are sure to follow. 

This year I've decided to switch it up a bit.  For the last two years I've worn a simple black dress with loud, fun shoes.  However, this year I have decided to wear a loud, fun dress.  The dress is predominantly black, but has some white as well.  My dress is "inspired" by a Hervé Léger dress that Blair Waldorf wore on Gossip Girl:

I obviously did not pay $1,800 for my dress, but I adore it just the same!  I'm thinking that I will wear plain black heels, and a fabulous red purse I carried to another event earlier in the year. 

If this year's event is anything like last year's, we will be dancing into the wee hours of the night and I will be feeling like death tomorrow.  Oh the price we pay for charity!

Also, I am no longer going to see New Moon tonight.  You see, BFF and I were going to attend the Little Black Dress Party with plans to leave at 11pm.  We were going to change into our "Twilight gear" and head to the midnight showing of New Moon.  After further consideration, we decided that was probably not the wisest decision.  So......we are going to see the movie on Sunday.  My "Team Edward" t-shirt is all pressed and ready to go, and I am super excited for Sunday to arrive. 

All in all this is going to be a fantastic weekend.  Starting tonight! 

Tomorrow night BFF and her husband and TEN and I are going to dinner.  Probably not a very late night though, since TEN and I will be leaving early Saturday morning to head to select the new puppy!  Saturday will be a fun filled day of playing with the puppy no doubt, and watching the Hokies take on NC State when we get home.

Sunday is my big New Moon date with BFF, and TEN has agreed to "babysit" while we are at the movie.  He plays on a flag football team, but won't be playing this weekend due to an injury.  He does, however, plan to take the baby to the game.  Egads!  I hope she doesn't get too dirty or scared with all of those people running around.  Oh well.  I suppose that sooner or later she (oops!  I keep saying she) will need to be introduced to the madness that is my life :-o

I hope you are all having a lovely Thursday, and that your weekend is filled with fun, friendship and many smiles!



mrs.mfc said...

Ohh didn't realize he was taking the puppy to the game! That will be an adventure!! I can't wait to see her (or him...)!!

And of course I can't wait for the Little Black Dress Party!!

(ps.. the sun *might* be coming out so you could possibly be safe to re-do your hair before party time!)

Jenny DB said...

AAAH So excited for you to get a puppy!! It's so good for lil ones (as long as they're not TOO young, have their shots, etc.) to go out and about with you wherever you go at first to get them all socialized and what not!! i'm SO SO SO happy for you (and a lil jealous) cuz I totally want a puppy right now!!!! Have fun at your shindig tonight.. i wanna see pics of this dress:)

Anonymous said...

The puppy is going to love the game!

Hope the event goes well!

MCW said...

Can you organize a little black dress party for me in NYC please? Thank you!