Thursday, July 22, 2010

Turn That Frown Upside Down!

Yesterday was a bad day.  A really, really bad day :( 

I took my car in for a regular service visit, which should have been about $200.  Turns out I needed new tires, a transmission flush, an alignment, and on and on....  Also, the dealership has terrible customer service (I didn't buy my car from them...I bought it out of town).  They didn't have a loaner car for me, and so I'm driving your grandpa's car around until they get it together and do what they need to do. 

I had a minor mental breakdown at work yesterday afternoon, but pulled myself together and was ready to face the day today with a smile on my face.  And then something happened that made my stomach turn.  You know the kind of thing I'm talking about.  And I thought "please don't bring my mood down today!!  I'm so excited about my plans for tonight and I want to be happy!!"

And then I got a text from someone special.  Someone asking me to go to lunch next week.  And that made me smile.  And then I got a text from someone saying that they were in court all day, and couldn't stop thinking about the beach.  And that made me smile even more :) 

Somehow those two fabulous texts have completely erased the stomach turning that occurred earlier.  My smile is back, and **hopefully** my car will be delivered to me very soon!  BUT...even if it isn't...I'm going to keep smiling. 

I'm hanging in there, and should have some fun to share tomorrow!



Ann said...

Congrats on holding on to the smile today. You did good and i suspect Louis would be very proud of you.

Sunshine and Summertime said...

Sorry about your lousy day...glad to hear it's getting better :)

VA Gal said...

Aw...hang in there! I know car repair time is not fun at all. I always end up with sticker shock.

Jenny DB said...

eeks that sounds... expensive! hang in there :-)

Jess said...

Hope things keep going well!! Almost the weekend, at the very least :)

Caroline said...

I love getting those text messages that just make your whole day look up. Glad things turned around!

SASS said...

Do I smell a lawyer? Hmm..I hope so, and I hope he's Italian, too. Those are the best!
I hate bad days. Glad to hear things are looking up, Miss T. And even on the worst days, it makes me the happiest to come home to a snuggly furbaby :) I know you agree!

MCW said...

Dude. Not enough info on the text messages.

Charleston Girl said...

This too shall pass... that's what my mom always tells me. :)

Meg said...

Sorry you had a bad day! It is amazing how just a few words form someone can turn your day around.Hang in there! Car problems are always a nightmare!

Have a good day!
