Never knew there was such a thing, but there is a website and everything. Check it out at:

"It is the Human Condition to Love.
It is Love that Changes the Human Condition.
It is the Love of one Human that can Change a Nation.
It is that Love which empowers one Nation, to save man's best friend."
~ Colleen Paige - Founder of National Dog Day
how cute! I will have to let my friends know. :o)
Awh how exciting. I am going to have to make a trip to the pet store to get Bailey a gift. Although, every day is National Dog Day in this household.
I had no idea! How cute!!
How fun. Though every day is National Dog Day in my home. The fur baby really does rule the roost!
Oh no, it's national dog day and I didn't get Duke a present. Hopefully he doesn't know about it and I can slide this year :)
I'm learning about National Waffle Day & National Dog Day in the same week!
Well, since the White Dog's birthday is in August, I suppose I'll continue w/ my plan to implement a celebration for National Waffle Day next year. I'll also vow for the sixth year to make a bigger to-do over the White Dog's birthday...although we all know she'll just end up w/ another McDonald's Happy Meal. =)
I had no idea either.... Duncan might get his celebration a little late ( I was not prepared in the slightest) I guess there is always next year!
shoot, I missed it! I'll apologize to my dogs :)
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