Saturday we lounged by the pool all day, and talked about the fact that Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal and Owen Wilson were in town. We decided it would be fun to find where Reese and Owen were filming, and possibly take their pictures...from afar. Little did we know that when you are rolling around Georgetown in a stretch hummer limo you can pretty much do whatever you want.
I'm of the opinion that if you act like you are supposed to be somewhere, people rarely question it. This proved to be accurate for us on Saturday night. We crawled into the limo at around 6pm. We went to the World War II Memorial and had a group photo. A little old man, who I'm pretty sure was a veteran, asked to have a picture with the bride-to-be. She agreed, and I believe it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen :) We then went to visit the Obamas, and took pics there too. After a few more cocktails our driver Bill found the filming location. He asked if we wanted him to drop us off in front of the set. We thought THAT was a fabulous idea, and he pulled up. All of the spectators were behind these ropes, and not allowed to approach the set. Bill drove right up to it and opened our door. We all stepped out of the limo and walked toward the set. No one stopped us :)
The Real Housewife of Delaware wanted to have her picture taken on a policeman's motorcycle. So...she did. It was a crew member's birthday. They had a cake for him. We wished him a happy birthday and chatted everyone up. Owen Wilson was hanging around, and The Real Housewife of Delaware decided that she needed to let him know that he is so cute there is no reason he should ever want to harm himself again. Then, she then thought better of it.
Jake Gyllenhaal isn't in the movie, but he stopped by (in a silver Nissan Pathfinder) to check on Reese. It was all a little surreal to tell you the truth. And Reese...she's the tiniest thing I think I've ever seen. Her hair is bigger than she is! They started yelling "live street" and we stayed right where we were. At this point I could no longer play it cool, and broke out my camera. I turned 100% tourist/celb stalker. Snapping pictures of everything I could, and then I posed on set like I was somebody special. We have pictures to prove it. I'm not sure the bystanders ever really figured out who we were.
After a while we were ready to move on. Back into the limo and off to some club where we had a VIP table, and I drink a little too much Grey Goose. We finally made it to bed around 2:30 or 3:00 Sunday morning.
The drive home yesterday was tough, but totally worth it! I love my girls, and every time we get together something wonderful always happens. This trip was no exception. The pictures are priceless, and I absolutely cannot wait until August 15 when The Real Housewife of Delaware ties the knot. HE truly is her prince, and it makes me smile just thinking about how long she has waited to find him. The wait was definitely worth it! Their wedding will be a celebration to end all celebrations, and I'm taking a date. Yep. You heard it here first friends. I'm taking a date :)
Oh the times they are a changin......
WOW this sounds like a weekend to remember!! How fun!
Oh man! That sounds like a hilarious and fun time!! I wish you could post some pics :)
That sounds like a blast! Who is this date you are taking?
Jess...I will most definitely post some pictures once I charge my camera!
MCW....more to come on that :)
How fun! If you act like you belong no one will notice -- works every time :)
AMAZING! I'm in awe! Dying to see pictures!!!
That hotel is amazing. I wanted my parents to stay there when they visited but it was always booked up!
We need to see photos of this crazy night!
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