I have just now gotten 3 messages in a row filled with the most wonderful news. I mean wonderful. My life is going to become much easier as a result of one piece of news. A friend's mother has localized, operable, cancer. It has not metastasized, as we feared it could have. And another friend just posted a series of photos on my Facebook wall.
Mind you...the first and second messages are great gifts for which I am SO thankful for. But this last message made me cry. In a happy way :)
When I see these photos I imagine that the guy probably thinks nothing of jumping in to help. What a small thing he did to save a puppy's life! I wonder if he realizes how grand his small kindness seems to the woman? Her face in the next to the last photo is what brought me to tears.
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I think the world could do with a few more people willing to drop their pants and jump in. Don't you?
Thanks for the smile Gini.
Happy Friday!
Incredible! We definitely need more like him
I would totally do this to save my puppies!
oh yeah, we could definitely do with a few more like him
Sniff, Sniff, Sniff!
Thanks for sharing such a happy tearjerker!
Happy for all your good news, too!
Happy Thankful Thanksgiving!
Sand and Sea
(Hugs and a little turkey for Louis, please ;o) !!)
this is amazing. completely agree.
have a good weekend!
That is sooo sweet! Thank you for sharing that!
I was thankful for good news myself yesterday!
Oh wow! What a touching story!!!!!
Even if ONE more person was inspired to do something good for another by that man - bravo!
Happy to hear about the cancer not spreading. That news makes you really begin to appreciate what you already have, but may have forgotten.
OH with all the stories of dogs suffering and horrible acts of human cruelty to animals, I AM THANKFUL you shared this one, T! Warmed my heartstrings! :-)
I love this. It shows that in a crazy, mad world, there are some truly wonderful people.
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