CALM DOWN! I'm not speaking of myself :)
I'm speaking of the fact that I have 4 weddings to attend (3 of which I am in) in 3 months. I was reading Wendy's blog Wendy's Adventures in Lalaland and today's post got me thinking. Who was it that originally said "weddings are a wonderful place to meet someone"? Do you know? I think that whoever they are....they are full of crap. I would welcome a sit down with said person if they can be located. I do not know one single person that is happily married to someone that they met at a wedding. I know there are all types of cutesy movies where that happens, but let's focus on reality...shall we?
Anyway, I continue to hear from the people in my life that I will undoubtedly meet Mr. Seersucker at one of the upcoming weddings I will be attending in the near future. Here's the thing. Have you ever been in a wedding? It's not like you stroll into the wedding, put your feet up, sip a cocktail and survey the potentials. You are ON! By ON I mean that you are there to assist the bride, look lovely, make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be, gossip about the tacky dress someone's Aunt Gloria is wearing, keep the flower girl from taking her dress off, etc.
Then, once the wedding is over you stay at the church (or whatever the location is where the wedding is taking place) for an hour of pictures with the bride and groom. Then, you head to the reception where all of the wedding attendees are already getting tipsy, and you have no hope of catching up. Then, you have to dance around the bride for pictures, pose with friends for pictures, say hello to people everyone wants you to meet, etc. Then...it's over and you head to the closest bar to hang out with the people you know, and you are able to take your heels off for the first time that day.
Now, now...please do not misunderstand me. It is a HUGE honor to be a bridesmaid, and I wouldn't give up the chance to stand by my friends on their special day for anything in the world. The day is a whirlwind, and being a part of that is great fun! It's just....when exactly was I supposed to meet a potential boyfriend? You get my point.
So, do me a favor friends. If you have a single girlfriend who happens to be attending an upcoming wedding...please don't tell her it's a wonderful place to meet a man. Even if she's not a bridesmaid. It usually ends up turning a wonderfully festive and joyous occasion into a complete let down.
Thank you! I was beginning to think that it was just me who thought that weddings are not a wonderful place to meet someone.
I don't know of anyone that has met a boyfriend/husband at a wedding. Not even just a casual date, actually. I think that whole thing started because men think they can take advantage of girls at weddings- they are drinking, thinking about marriage, hopeful, etc. All I know is that at EVERY wedding I go to, I get totally loaded. Granted, I am not out looking for a guy- but either way, that would be a terrible time for a guy to approach me! I always just want to drink and dance with my girlfriends!!
Here, here! Solidarity, sista! :)
weddings are time to spend with your friends. i never even bring a date because i don't want to have to babysit.
I love going to weddings. And I never met anyone at a wedding. But I think they are fun anyway. xoxo
Hi! I am a new follower! Actually my best friend met her husband at a wedding! My BF got so drunk at the wedding, got stuck in her bridemaid dress and her furture husband had to cut it off!
I also have dated someone on and off for about 3 years who I met at a wedding. Obviously not going anywhere...but, it has been fun! Good luck! You never know...
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