Friday, February 19, 2010

Hamish the Westie

I had a post planned for today.  It was silly.  All about my adventures over the last week.  Cocktails with friends, you know the kind...

But then I went to check in really quickly with a blogger to see how her Westie -  Hamish (pronounced Hay-mish) was doing. 

He had an illness come upon him quite quikly. Only two weeks ago. He seemed to be doing a bit better.

Until Wednesday night.

His "person" Gail had to make the decision that we all, as pet owners, hope and pray we will never have to make. seems that so often we do. 

Hamish was 14.  He was a handsome, charming, smart & witty Westie.  He lived in Aberdeen, Scotland. 

He had a very full life. 

He was loved dearly.

As I read Gail's post today I sat at my desk, in my office, and sobbed.  Truly sobbed.  I couldn't stop.  It was almost lunch time, so I left to go home to let Louis out and to hug him within an inch of his life. 

My heart breaks for Gail today. Please say a little prayer for her, that she finds comfort in knowing that she gave Hamish so much love and happiness for over a decade. 

Isn't it amazing how much we can feel for our blog friends?  For the people whose lives we peer into every day, even when we've never met?  I never had the chance to give Hamish a pet on his head, or tickle his belly, or give him a snuggle.  But it didn't matter.  I loved him just the same.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Hamish.  (Gail I hope you don't mind)  Hamish and Gail had so many adventures, to so many beautiful places.  The stories of those adventures, and Gail's pictures, were such a bright spot in my day. 

Rest in Peace Dear Sweet Hamish.

You Will Be Missed Terribly.


(if you would like to visit Gail & Hamish's blog, you can find it HERE)


Jenny DB said...

aaw this breaks my heart and gives me shivers. poor lil guy!!! :*(

we lost our golden doodle this past summer in a really tragic accident and he was far too young. my folks are still grieving.

Josie said...

What a beautiful tribute to Hamish. I feel the same as you, meaning isn't it amazing how we can feel so much for people and pets we have never actually met. We do just peek into each others lives and yet, we are tugging at each other heart strings. I was really shaken when Hana (sheltiebeauties) pasted away last week. Seems the rainbow bridge has been quite busy. I first heard about Hamish about an hour ago from MaxDog. Now from you...and your tribute is so, so touching. You are a good blog friend and I am glad you are one of mine. Long live Hamish, forever in our hearts!
Much Love,

Unlucky Lucy said...

This is heartbreaking. I don't know what I would do if I lost my little Paisley.

And it's such a great and weird thing we have with our bloggie friends.

Through Rose Colored Glasses said...

Oh no! bless him. I am a mess over here... Going home to hug potter.

TudorCity Girl said...

this made me so sad. heart wrenching.
you know i have to admit (and i know dog lovers will hate me) I used to LOVE dogs but since I was attacked by that dog I can't even look at one, get angry if an owner lets one get too close to me and well it is some PTSD since the attack. But these pictures touched me so. I had a Westie growing up for 16 years from when I was born. Hamish looks so much like Maxie did. It made me remember him and how wonderful most dogs can be. I hope Hamish's owner knows I'll look back on these photos always to remind me.
THANK YOU for this.

Diana Chiew said...

I just came to know about Hamish and went over immediately. I was saddened by the news though I have not gotten to know him. It has always saddened me to read about the loss of a pet. My eyes just welled up reading about them.

Thanks for visiting Minnie. We had her spayed yesterday. She is better today though still not eating.

undomestic mama said...

Nothing can bring me to tears quicker than thinkng of losing my little Teddy someday. My heart goes out to Gail....

the Hard Way said...


I'm very new to this blogging thing but stumbled upon your blog by recommendation of a friend, Dating is my Hobby. The two of you have inspired me to start something of my own :) So I'm playing catch-up and reading old posts.

My teeny nyc apt doesn't allow me to keep a dog, but I am a big lover of animals in general and am making plans for a pup of my own once I move back to the suburbs.
Your post is heartbreaking (crying at work, tsk tsk) and completely inspiring. In the sense that it's so amazing how much our hearts and give and how much they can tolerate. Beautiful post with completely precious pictures. Thanks for the memorial to such a sweet, loved pet!