(for future reference...the above is my new "MOVIE NIGHT" logo. when you see it on my blog, get excited! it means i've watched a movie and i'm gonna tell you all about it. also, i'm going to be ranking them by seersucker suits, of course! - thanks MK for the idea!! )

1 Seersucker Suit = An Okay Watch If You've Nothing Better To Do
2 Seersucker Suits = Definitely Worth Watching
3 Seersucker Suits = Don't Miss It!
Tuesday night after my chemical peel I came home and decided it would be movie night for Louis and I! I am starting to get back into watching movies, and I'm loving it. However, my Cox Cable bill is not so much something I am loving....as I get my movies from On Demand.
***Side Note...TEN has NetFlix. He's always all "hey, lets just put the movies you want to see in my que and then you won't have to spend money on On Demand". As great as that is in theory, it doesn't work. The movies come to HIS house. He gets TWO at a time. They NEVER seem to be the movies I want to watch. AND...sometimes I want to watch 4 in one night :) Take that NetFlix!
Back to Tuesday night. I found exactly what I wanted to watch, and I adored it! Have you seen The September Issue?? It's actually a documentary about Anna Wintour and her team publishing the September issue of American Vogue. As any American Vogue reader knows, THE September issue is where it's at. It's like 500 pages of everything you need to know about fashion for the upcoming year. It's amazing!!!
Anyway, Anna was in full bitch mode, and I loved every minute of it. I would quit my job today, and leave everything behind, to work for Anna. Seriously. Yes, yes...I've seen The Devil Wears Prada. Now I've seen The September Issue. I know she's a bitch. I know she's awful. But I don't care! She makes Rachel Zoe look like nothing but a lil' ol' raisin squinchy face.
Quel horreur! DID I JUST SAY THAT? Yes friends, I did. Now we all know I do love me some Rachel, but she doesn't hold a candle to Anna.
What amazes me most about Anna is that she dresses much like I do. Here she is, determining fashion for the whole world...and yet...she dresses in a classic way with a little bit of a twist. All of these fantastic couture clothes surround her, everyone in the office is decked out in crazy/bizarre/trendy nonsense, and here she is in a cap sleeved, floral print, knee length dress with heels. Now, granted...her outfit costs 227 times more than mine does, but you know what I mean. She's brilliant...but classic. And I love her.
Okay, enough about that. Watch it. You won't be sorry. Pinky swear.

IF you like fashion at all!
The second movie of the night was Everybody's Fine. I like Robert De Niro, and the preview looked intriguing....
Let me sum this movie up by saying....everybody is NOT fine.
Was it a good movie? Sure. Was it funny? No. Was it happy and heartwarming? No. Well, that's not fair....the last 5 minutes were lovely :)
This movie broke my heart, but it also made me realize that time is of the essence, and things are not always what they seem.
If you have family issues, and need reassurance that your are not alone...watch this movie. Or, if you have a perfect family and want to feel sorry for those of us who don't...watch this movie. Otherwise, skip it.
Tonight is happy hour for an organization that TEN is involved with. Basically, a portion of all of the cocktails sold tonight will go to TEN's organization. So, unfortunately I think that means I have to drink a lot of cocktails tonight.
Oh well.
Happy Thursday!
re: Everybody's Fine
I saw this in the theater with my roommate. My family is in CA and I'm here in NY. Needless to say, I left that movie feeling like a horrible daughter for moving thousands of miles away from the fam. I also bawled throughout the entire thing. I loved Robert di Niro and was really effected by his performance. Rarely does a movie get to me the way this one did. I know it is like comparing apples to oranges but the last movie I'd had such a strong reaction to was Schindler's List. Don't think I could handle either again without losing my ish.
aaw i feel so bad for you, you have to drink a lot of cocktails? poor girl! ;)
Oh, the things we do for charity...so sorry you have to have lots of cocktails. :)
I am the same way with on demand. You never know what you are going to be in the mood for...why bother with Netflix. Oh - and I don't have a DVD player! ha Hope you are getting tipsy!
Yes, Netflix is the best so use TENS's... Soooo cheap.
That DeNiro movie sounded good to me but now not so sure I want to see it. Am so looking for a GOOD movie to watch finally so I will stay tuned to your reviews.
I want N to see "Dear John" with me or "Remember Me" but doesn't look like much of a chance!
Enjoy all those cocktails and hope your head isn't hurting too much at work! ;)
How much are you spending on Demand each month? Get your own Netflix, it might be worth it!
How much are you spending on Demand each month? Get your own Netflix, it might be worth it!
I love love love The September Issue!
I have September Issue on my list!
My gf is dying to see The September Issue, and since I'm in the media, I'm interested in it, too. Glad to hear it's not a suckfest!
I just got The September Issue in the mail (from Netflix) TODAY and I was so excited. I also got my US Weekly (which finally showed up from last week), and Glamour. In a little fashion heaven, haha.
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