Monday, March 1, 2010

Muscle T's are NOT Sexy...Especially on Puppies

Smalltown, VA has a Valentine's Bachelor/Bachelorette auction every year to raise money for the arts.  This year's event had to be re-scheduled due to the snow.  So, it was held Friday night.  This year TEN and I went together, and I couldn't help thinking (again) of how much has changed since last year. 

Last year I attended this event with someone else.  He was a date.  You may remember him if you are a long time reader.  He called me his "boo".  Ring any bells?  If not, feel free to feel my pain HERE and HERE.

I think last year's experience may have been what prompted me to announce "TEN, just so you are babysitting me tonight.  I feel the need to enjoy MANY martinis."  And....I did :)  TEN said he had me home and tucked into bed by midnight.  He then took little Louis out for a stroll (in his baby-T...Louis' not TEN's...more on that later), and returned home to tuck the puppy in.  Good boyfriend...

Saturday I had some errands I needed to run.  It was very chilly in Smalltown, VA, so we again put Louis into his sweater.  Here's the thing...when you have a little one that you see every day you don't realize that they are, in fact, growing like a weed.  I swear I just had Louis wearing his little argyle sweater a week or two ago and it fit. Not anymore!  He looked like he belonged on an episode of Jersey Shore...muscle T and all :(  So, we added PetSmart to our list of errands. 

Of course, PetSmart didn't have a single dog sweater.  Boo on PetSmart!  There was a Grand Opening going on for PetCo, so we piled into the car and headed over there.  BIG MISTAKE.  Grand Openings of any store are a nightmare, but when you pack a store with not only people but puppies....well you can imagine!  We braved the masses in search of a sweater, only to find NOTHING.  Uggghhh....

So, I've just ordered Louis this little sweater online :

I sure hope it fits!

Saturday night was Girl's Night!  Oddly enough, there isn't really anything MAJOR to share.  I know, amazing, right?  Not that it wasn't a good time.  We had a GREAT time.  It's just that we danced, drank and laughed ourselves silly....but nothing "dramatic" occurred.  Good times for sure!

Sunday I spent the entire day on the couch snuggling with Louis.  TEN came over to join us in the afternoon.  It's rare I find myself with the time to lay on the couch all day, and I surely did enjoy it.  Now I am rested and ready to take on the week! 



Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I'm right there with you on our westie boys growing like weeds. I just received a soft mess harness for Derby that I ordered - and guess what - I can hardly get it closed ... so ... I'm going to look for a smaller dog to give it to. Doesn't pay to return it. Should have known better and ordered a larger size.

Gotta run - Derby is trying to bury his rawhide in my chair cushion! Bad boy ...

MCW said...

I love the hope of how much can change in a year!

undomestic mama said...

I always think, "Oh, I got this after my dog stopped growing" but then I put the sweater on and it's amazing how tight it is! I think my dog grows "out" a little bit too :)

Jenny DB said...

Umm, I was hoping for a pic of Louis' silly muscle tee? no? :(